Just reading through Salon.com's story "Why do journalists suddenly love Al Gore?" (you may have to sign in with a day pass to the site, but it's worth reading) and along comes that name - and I suddenly feel even more justified for not kneeling at this woman's feet when she came to speak at the Festival a couple of years ago.
Yes - MAUREEN DOWD. Yeuck.
There's a great link to Media Matters which details (to quote salon.com) "[h]er past columns on the subject of Gore, replete with false accusations and trendy sneering, [which] is must reading."
I know that I'm am so off-topic with The Picky Bitch. This blog has turned more into an Al Gore lovefest - maybe I should rename it! I thought that I needed an outlet for all those nasty thoughts I had about life in general and how stupid people are in particular but maybe life is too short to bog down in that kind of thing. It's SO much more rewarding to bitch about Maureen Dowd.