08 July 2007

Here we are again...

So I just discovered that you can back-date your blog entry so even though today is really the 8th of July, I could pretend that I am an incredibly devoted Picky Bitch (instead of the slacker that I really am) and date it any date I like.

Ooh...the power....

But I won't, because everyone that knows me, knows that I am a slacker and why lie to those you love?

I am facing down the barrel of two weeks of school vacation like it's a Glock - I love my kids but it's not even Monday of the first week and my previously very brown hair is streaking up a grey storm.

Mothers of the world, unite. The only thing you have to lose is your mind.

Bad attitude day.

I have actually been cooking (make that, baking) up a storm so if they were still giving out Betty Crocker Future Homemaker pins, I'd be in with a chance (and in some pretty esteemed company, hey J. and Barbara Kingsolver, if you're reading this...I know you are, J.)

Been baking pies out the kazoo - luscious apple pies with flaky, flaky crusts. Vegetable pies, savoury fruit pies (an intruiging apple/cheese pie - jury is still out on that one) and I am LOVING the pastry experience. I feel that same awe as when I first baked a loaf of bread. I made this. I MADE THIS.

Sort of like having children but not as edible.