18 December 2008

What a long time between drinks...

I felt compelled this morning to write again after not having written for so long.

It's been an amazing year in that I think I've finally grown up.

Yes - grown up.

This year has taught me that I don't have to cling to the 'me' of the past, that the 'angry me' is not the entirety of me, that I can rejoice in my blessings and the roof won't cave in (although my neck is braced as I write that - old habits...) - that I can be HAPPY. That it's okay to be HAPPY. That while I don't have the right to be happy, that there is no entitlement to be happy, it's still okay to be HAPPY.

I love my life, the crazy goals I set myself, the sense that I can actually do things, that I'm accomplished, that the world is simultaneously fucked up and beautiful, just like me.

An amazing year of looking inside, turning myself inside out and actually liking the result.

Truly blessed.

Truly, truly blessed.

20 July 2008

Here I go again...

Okay, so to continue the Adventures of Nadia in Her Year of Going Out, I had quite possibly (and this is a sad revelation in its own way) one of the BEST nights of my LIFE last week.

I took it upon myself to book out a Gold Class Cinema - 34 seats in all - and invited all my girlfriends and female family members - no stinky boys allowed - to go to Mamma Mia! the Movie. What a HOOT! I don't know what was most exhilarating - knowing that I could sing my freakin' HEAD OFF and not get looked at that strangely (as my family and friends are more than aware of my penchant for singing OUT LOUD and in public) or seeing Meryl Streep sing HER head off and not get looked at that strangely - WHO KNEW!! The girl can BELT out a tune along with all her other talents - AND do the splits mid-air AND actually convince me that she could have shagged Pierce Brosnan, Stellan Skargard (with the funny little 'o' thing over the second 'a') AND Colin Firth not only in her 20s but could pretty much manage it at the age of 58. She is just GORgeous!

So how much better could it get??? Being surrounded by friends, drinking wine, eating food (incidentally - don't order the parmesan and rocket salad unless you want parmesan and rocket down your cleavage - it's hardly safe eating POPcorn in the dark without it going everywhere, let alone an actual MEAL), watching Colin - all gorgeous and WET (it should be in his contract that he MUST appear wet in every movie (this one)/TV series (check out 0:55) and commercial

as he looks so very good wet, he really, really does) - and me being able to sing AND dance without censure - it was like the most glorified Karaoke experience of MY LIFE!!!

Go and see the movie (have done, twice so far this week), buy the soundtrack (check!) and enjoy one of the most fun movies of the decade. I've got to say, it even beats singing along to Grease (and co-incidentally, was filmed in Greece - spooky).

PS Even Pierce's crap singing can't cast a pall over the sheer joy of it. Poor love, he did his best. And let's not analyse that if, in fact, Meryl had shagged them 20 years ago, she would have practically been my age - she does look amazingly youthful but I think she could pass for closer to 50, not quite 40 - BUT WHO CARES !!!

25 June 2008

Weird dreams...

Okay - so I know that one of the biggest conversation killers starts with this line, "I had the weirdest dream last night..." and you sit there and try not to stifle a yawn while someone proceeds to tell you ALL about their aMAzing dream. And it isn't 'amazing' as you know - it didn't REALLY HAPPEN!!! And it happened in their head, while they were asleep...

But even so.... get ready people, cause I'm about to unload!

Now some of you - okay - all of the three people who read this blog - know of my slightly off-kilter obsession with Duran Duran. 'Obsession' might not be exactly the right word as it's not as though I even listen to their music now all that much - it's more of an obsession with re-capturing the obsession I had with them when I was 15.

So I saw them in concert in November 1983 (good grief) and then again, only 20 years later in December 2003 and then most recently in April. And it was great - every time it was great. Because every time, not only did I experience the concert, but also had some sort of loosely defined 'personal encounter' with them, in that, I saw them outside their hotel, outside the arena of them being a band on stage and more like them just being really famous people trying to get away from me. Although, and R. will back me up on this - the last two times - 2003 and 2008 - we totally did have personal encounters with Nick Rhodes (who was always my favourite even if he's the most effeminate and pretentious). And he was SO NICE!!! Like, 'take time to be with us' nice. Like 'I will make eye-contact with this person and actually respond to their frantic questions' nice. I LOVE the guy because he is one of the few (and I actually have met a few - see previous post) famous people who 'connected' with me. So the short of it is that I still have a deep affection for him that I don't think will ever dissipate in that he is decent to his fans and does not treat them like lepers (Si-MON!) and does not run away from them (Si-MON!).

Wow - that was one heck of a digression, even for me.

So back to the weird dream. Well - you three also know that I have the most amazingly vivid dreams with the most incredible attention to detail. I dream theatrically - and this is not a lie - I even once had a dream with credits... so last night I had this lovely dream where I got to hang out with Nick and Simon (who wasn't a butthead like usual) and it was totally lovely. Weird? Okay, maybe not so much. But just lovely. Lovely in the way that I am totally starting to convince myself that I actually have an alternate life in my dreams where I get to hang out with famous people ALL THE TIME. I dream about famous people ALL THE TIME. I hardly ever dream about my family - I've probably dreamed about Nick Rhodes more than I've dreamt of my own kids and I've definitely dreamed about Al Gore more than my own husband.


It means that I wake up with the HUGEST smile on my face as I get to be a groupie without any of the guilt. [Okay - I don't have sex with Nick cause he is pure and asexual but I totally would go there with Simon even if in real life he would not look at me.] It's fun and I love it. I get to have these great conversations with famous people I like and it's hilarious. In my dreams, I have kissed Bill Clinton (don't vomit, C. cause if he was as hot in your dreams as he was in mine, you totally would have too!), I've cuddled on a couch with Al Gore while discussing our kids, I sang "These Boots are Made for Walkin'" with Simon Le Bon just last week. One of the stranger celebrity dream encounters I've had was finding Jimmy Barnes in my closet (?). There are countless famous people in my dream states....

So it's fun to go to sleep when you're me. I never know who I'll meet in my head. I love my crazy-ass stupid dreams - MUCH better than those hideous ones where you find yourself at the airport having no idea where your luggage/family/passport is. Of course, if it's me, then most likely I'm travelling First Class with the band....

17 May 2008

My new love (Liz Lemon) meets one one of my old loves (Al, Baby).

Dear GOD, I about DIED laughing watching this on my new latest favourite TV show, 30 Rock, and was so happy to find this clip on the NBC website so I could share it. Apparently NBC did have a 'green week' and I'm trying not to be too cynical about it as they are owned by GE, after all. But they are still allowed to make money as long as they make it ethically - now am I being too naive???

[So as I've met Al Gore, does this mean that I'm only two degrees of separation from my new idol, Liz Lemon aka Tina Fey??? Life just gets better every day]

23 April 2008

Thanks for the mammaries....

So on 17 April 2008, after approximately 2032 days and nights (give or take the few nights I didn't nurse because S put the babies to bed), I finished nursing my children. A. had, of course, already finished a long time ago, but the other night my dear boy and I decided that 'yum-yum' time was over and that he would now be happy to go to bed after a cup of warm milk, a story and a cuddle.

And he is.

And I am not.

I'd be lying if I said that the night after the 17th, it didn't tear me up a little to see my boy drink his milk, kiss me goodnight and turn over and fall asleep.

I'd be lying if the times he has asked for it again - and he has asked a few times - when I reminded him of our 'deal', that I didn't want to renege and cuddle him close and watch him nurse one last time...

But I'm trying to be strong not for him - because he is not the weak one - but for myself, to keep the deal with myself that I would stop this when it became all about me and not about him. He is ready. I am not. I am learning for the first time, despite being a mother for almost seven years, what it is to mother in a different way. How to tell a story, rub a back, pat a tummy, put a child - my baby - to bed without the comfort of my breast and the warmth of the milk within.

I thank my kids for being willing and enthusiastic recipients of the love I wanted to give them. I thank my breasts for giving those kids all the 'good stuff' and making them strong and smart. I thank myself and honour myself for continuing despite the times of doubt and pain and inconvenience and frustration. I mourn the loss. I loved it almost always and I know I will miss it and miss this time of my time with my babies, my intimate mum-only time. Almost smug in being able to give them what nobody else could. Now I have to find new ways of giving them nourishment and goodness.

So as my breasts head for the floor, my mind is filled with tender and soft memories of quietness, warmth and love.

Thank you to them.

Thank you to me.

22 April 2008

Gotta love those little things...

I am so proud of being part of a movement that is finally making moves to inclusion.

It's been a long, long wait...

21 March 2008

The Bitch is BACK - again...

It's been so long, mi amigas...

So I thought I'd get back into the swing of the blog by revisiting The List of 2008 and seeing whether I have anything to add to it: original answers are in blue. New answers will be in, ooh, let's see...maybe this colour...

Questions for the New Year

1. In 2008 name one person that you will make the attempt to have a stronger relationship with? My husband. Is this really happening?? I'm trying to be nicer to him, I think we're closer - we're still separated by crazy schedules and kids pitting us one against the other [devious little boogers] but at least I've started to cook for him again...maybe three or four times, so far...
2. In 2008 what is one risk that you promise to take? Couldn't answer this one earlier and it still stumps me - I really am a risk-averse person. We are considering moving to the States - is that considered a risk? I really don't think it is as I don't feel we have that much to lose - except money - but when did that ever stop us?
3. In 2008 what is one aspect of your personality that you will be willing to change to make yourself more likeable? So many to choose from...hmmm...maybe my acid tongue - try to rein it in a little. And my crappy short temper. I have tried to be less crappy-tongued but the temper still needs work - I am trying to not scream at my kids as the first line of attack
4. In 2008, what is one daily ritual that you can commit to? Waking up every morning would be good. Waking up every morning excited would be better. It's amazing that I still can't think of one thing that I would be willing to do every day.
5. In 2008, what song could you choose to represent the year you are going to have and will you download that song after reading these words? [What is this - a plug for iTunes?] Not sure about a theme song - just went through all that in thinking about the past - can't think of one for the future. I am loving Rufus Wainwright and in saying that I suppose it's not embracing a particular song but knowing that I can still fall in love with music - that is representing my year. Can I still fall in love with life?
6. In 2008, who is one civil servant that you will say hello to for the entire year? None of my servants are civil in the least - you just can't get good help these days...not sure about this. The security guy at work comes around every day and I say hello to him, does that count? I'm actually very friendly to people behind counters, wait-staff, etc. so I don't think I have a problem with this - it's the higher-ups (as perceived by society - and me, I must admit) I have a problem with acknowledging. Maybe I should vow to say 'hello' to a rich person every day.
7. In 2008, what is one body of water that you promise yourself you will swim in? The Pacific. So maybe not the Pacific - not at least until we move to the States, but I DID swim in the Southern Ocean already this year, was not expecting that at the start of the year.
8. In 2008, name one person that you will truly thank who rarely gets thanked. I try to thank my Mum for all that she does for me. I don't know if I am thanking her 'truly' as I'm not sure what she wants from me most of the time. Maybe for me to clean my house, which is beyond me for some reason - fragments of passive-aggressive rebellion?
9. In 2008, what is an artistic experience that you promise to have? More experimental photography. I've taken some great photos this year and also vowed to learn to sew come April.
10. In 2008, what is one argument that you will no longer have? I wish I could say it would be the argument my mother and I have constantly over my house, but I don't believe that will ever end.
11. In 2008, what is one thing that you will do to give back to the world or community that you live in?
12. In 2008, what is one thing that you will learn? How to sew.
13. In 2008, what is one thing you will let go of knowing you don't have the power to change it?
14. In 2008, where will your quiet place be?
15. In 2008, name three people you will surprise with a random gift? Well crap - the only three worth giving a gift to are the three people who read this blog so that would hardly be a surprise now, would it???
16. In 2008, what is one thing that you will teach someone else?
17. In 2008, what is one fear that you will overcome?
18. In 2008, what is one food that you will eat more often? No doubt about it - I vow to try to eat more cake.
19. In 2008, what is something wonderful about your personality that you promise to consciously appreciate? I can be pretty funny now and again.
20. In 2008, what will you do that you have always known you had to do? I will start my soup project. THERE - it's on the Internets - it must be true!

13 January 2008

Keating! The Musical

Just got back from watching Keating! The Musical and it was brilliant. Very well put together - the portrayals were just razor-sharp (like Keating's tongue, really) and the talent in the show was fantastic. I kinda almost half fell in love with ole Paul there having to remind myself that he wasn't as cute as the lead and certainly probably not as charming. *sigh*

I think I am going to enjoy My Year of Going Out. What a great start... and still to come:
  • Meow-Meow (freaky chick that looks like a LOT of fun - thanks, N.!)
  • Rufus Wainwright - ooh he's a pretty boy, that one - can't wait, J.!
  • DURAN DURAN!!!! (cause I'm hungry like a wolf - RAOR! - thanks, A. and R.!)

That's it so far - would still love to go to k.d lang - we'll see...

But it you get a chance to see Keating! - GO SEE IT! It should be part of every high school history curriculum.

UPDATE!!! Was just googling Rufus Wainwright, who is famous for lots, but mainly his version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" and found this....

I think I've just had my mind made up for me - add her to The List...

09 January 2008


Oh, doesn't it feel good to get rid of clothes and move stuff around and throw things out...I imagine it would if I could actually do that instead of just write about it.

I have filled a huge bag with goods for passing on/donating - finally parting with kids' clothes that I am absurdly sentimental about. It's a start. It's 3:30pm and I am still in my pyjamas so that gives you a clue as to my overall state of being.

I am trying to look at my house with different eyes, eyes that actually see the junk everywhere instead of skim over it. As my husband says (repeatedly), it's easy to tidy up this house (cause it's tiny) but it's hard to keep it tidy (because it's you-guessed-it).

If I were asked which cartoon character I am, it would have to be Pigpen. I so get him.

My God, we could be twins...

06 January 2008

And so this is...

Well, didn't 2007 just pass in a blur? January, February, March... here we go again...

What's in store for 2008? Apparently great things for me. I am supposed to be realising a dream, finally putting into play something that I've wished to do for a long time - I have had so many ideas over the years, I'm a little perplexed at realising which one I'm to realise.

Oh, and Happy New Year to you all (all three of you and you know who you are)!

The Picky Bitch is seeking to be kinder and not so picky this year - think that's possible? According to my horoscope, I'm heading to become the next Mother Teresa (but hopefully with a slightly better wardrobe and moisturiser, God bless her) so I feel compelled to be a nicer person. But I don't feel nicer. I think after turning 40 (oooh - for a whole month now) I'm a little saddened at my own inherent meanness. And I'm a little disheartened that this is how I might be for the rest of my life. How do you train the old brain into not automatically thinking nasty thoughts about people. I know I'm the picky bitch, but I don't want to become the mean, old, nasty bitch.

Resolutions? Still thinking them over.

My friend J. sent this email with the following list of questions that we both agreed would take most of the year to complete, let alone play out - it's a duesie of a list.

Questions for the New Year

1. In 2008 name one person that you will make the attempt to have a stronger relationship with? My husband.
2. In 2008 what is one risk that you promise to take?
3. In 2008 what is one aspect of your personality that you will be willing to change to make yourself more likeable? So many to choose from...hmmm...maybe my acid tongue - try to rein it in a little. And my crappy short temper.
4. In 2008, what is one daily ritual that you can commit to? Waking up every morning would be good. Waking up every morning excited would be better.
5. In 2008, what song could you choose to represent the year you are going to have and will you download that song after reading these words? [What is this - a plug for iTunes?] Not sure about a theme song - just went through all that in thinking about the past - can't think of one for the future.
6. In 2008, who is one civil servant that you will say hello to for the entire year? None of my servants are civil in the least - you just can't get good help these days...not sure about this.
7. In 2008, what is one body of water that you promise yourself you will swim in? The Pacific.
8. In 2008, name one person that you will truly thank who rarely gets thanked.
9. In 2008, what is an artistic experience that you promise to have? More experimental photography.
10. In 2008, what is one argument that you will no longer have?
11. In 2008, what is one thing that you will do to give back to the world or community that you live in?
12. In 2008, what is one thing that you will learn?
13. In 2008, what is one thing you will let go of knowing you don't have the power to change it?
14. In 2008, where will your quiet place be?
15. In 2008, name three people you will surprise with a random gift? Well crap - the only three worth giving a gift to are the three people who read this blog so that would hardly be a surprise now, would it???
16. In 2008, what is one thing that you will teach someone else?
17. In 2008, what is one fear that you will overcome?
18. In 2008, what is one food that you will eat more often? No doubt about it - I vow to try to eat more cake.
19. In 2008, what is something wonderful about your personality that you promise to consciously appreciate? I can be pretty funny now and again.
20. In 2008, what will you do that you have always known you had to do? I will start my soup project. THERE - it's on the Internets - it must be true!

Don't say I didn't warn you! It's a good list of questions, but at time of posting, exhausting to contemplate. Check back for answers in the upcoming millenium, could have it completed by 2015.