02 December 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Yes, many happy returns and all that for moi. And I'm not afraid to tell how old I am. I am now 39 years old. Yes and hopefully I will be turning 40 next year. Funny, that.

I had a great day - went out a bought a bicycle for a combined birthday/Christmas present (people may feel that having a birthday close to Christmas is unfortunate but it actually has its advantages, one being that you can justify buying a big present for your birthday and tell people, ie. your husband, that the one present will do for both occasions and then by the time Christmas rolls around, they/he would have forgotten and then feels compelled to buy another - bwah ha ha!). I rode it home and didn't die. The boy (and he was a boy, bless him) at the cycle shop exchanged the seat from a ball-buster to one that didn't impinge on my ladybits too much - reasonably comfortable and no need to wear 17 sanitary napkins, a la my friend J.

Went out to lunch with dear friend, C. - we went to a Japanese place with a conveyor and were speculating on the success of a similar concept with cake. Should the conveyor proceed in a clockwise rotation, heaven help the poor schlubs who would be sitting to the left of us, is what I say. NO CAKE FOR YOU!

Found a nice work dress - in black, of course - is there any other non-colour? And of course, because it was my birthday, it was reduced and then when I went to pay, it was reduced again - the Shopping Gods really do look out for me, they surely do.

Went and spent a blissful hour in an unnamed chain bookstore which deep in my soul, I know is an abomination as I am a diehard independent bookstore gal from way back but DAMN - they have a fantastic cookbook section - what's a girl to do? Plus I had a 30% voucher to use so at least I know they were only making 10% off that deal which assuaged the chainstore guilt somewhat.

Friends came over for an easy dinner. Made some stunning cupcakes - Magnolia Bakery Vanilla with cream cheese frosting - used C's piping tip and bugger me if they didn't look like they came straight from a bakery. Blew out my one candle and made my wish and all was right with the world as I watched fireworks from the local fair to finish the day.

Aaaaaahhhh. Lovely.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Picky Bitch, happy birthday to you.

I love you.

gravtkills said...

happy belated birthday to u

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday PB!! Glad you had a lovely day!

Love to you