31 December 2006

What will the New Year bring?

Who knows?

New Year's Eve is not my favourite day of the year - too much expectation, too much pressure. Who are you going to kiss at midnight? No mystery there. Pretty much a given for me for the past 15 years. What are you going to wear? Generally something that becomes uncomfortable by about 9:30pm. And then there are the dreaded New Year's resolutions - eek. As I never drank enough to feel the need to give it up, one year I actually made the resolution to drink more - but less than a month later, I discovered I was pregnant. [Note to self: Possible correlation? Maybe.] So although joyful news, it was a bummer only because I actually believed I had discovered a resolution I could really get behind, for once.

The best New Year's Eve I ever had was six years ago - 31 December, 2000. The year 2000 was the crappiest year of my life - both my Dad and Grandpa died (within weeks of each other) and by the end of the year, my husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for 3 years. Things got better with the birth of my niece in early December and as I was a witness to her birth, (more or less - I was loading the freaking camera with high-speed film with my back turned to the action when she suddenly emerged - goddamned non-digital cameras and their film-requiring ways!) I think things got mentally (and obviously physically) unstuck as New Year's Eve saw me making that trip to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. My husband and I were giddy and sick to our stomachs with the anticipation and lo and behold, after peeing all over my hand, the little line showed its pretty little line-like face. Sigh.

Apart from the joy of actually being pregnant - finally, at last, finally - the best part of the night was telling my Mum, who had sustained such loss. She was planning a very morose New Year's Eve, by herself at home but once we told her the news - she was recharged. It was wonderful. We spent the night with good friends who had also been through the crapper, V, emerging from chemotherapy for breast cancer and her husband K, having to witness his new bride enduring that hideous treatment. So K got smashed for all of us, my Mum and husband not being huge drinkers and it was a fabulous and glorious end to a shitty year and a wonderful start to the next.

So that's my Best New Year's Eve story.

Hope this one is full of joy for all and you get to kiss the person you want to and you're still comfortable in your stilettoes at midnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nadia that one was a bit sad. I know it ended on a happy note but not before it kicked me in the stomach a few times.

Here's hoping your 2000's are all behind you.

I love you.