08 July 2007

Here we are again...

So I just discovered that you can back-date your blog entry so even though today is really the 8th of July, I could pretend that I am an incredibly devoted Picky Bitch (instead of the slacker that I really am) and date it any date I like.

Ooh...the power....

But I won't, because everyone that knows me, knows that I am a slacker and why lie to those you love?

I am facing down the barrel of two weeks of school vacation like it's a Glock - I love my kids but it's not even Monday of the first week and my previously very brown hair is streaking up a grey storm.

Mothers of the world, unite. The only thing you have to lose is your mind.

Bad attitude day.

I have actually been cooking (make that, baking) up a storm so if they were still giving out Betty Crocker Future Homemaker pins, I'd be in with a chance (and in some pretty esteemed company, hey J. and Barbara Kingsolver, if you're reading this...I know you are, J.)

Been baking pies out the kazoo - luscious apple pies with flaky, flaky crusts. Vegetable pies, savoury fruit pies (an intruiging apple/cheese pie - jury is still out on that one) and I am LOVING the pastry experience. I feel that same awe as when I first baked a loaf of bread. I made this. I MADE THIS.

Sort of like having children but not as edible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you are back and must say it is about time that you added pie crust to your bag of tricks.

Had no idea school holidays was upon you. I suggest you take a deep breath and find your self a mantra, kind of what I used to do when I would ride my bike up a very steep hill, I know bikers buns is not appropriate for the school holidays but there must be some muscle you could pretend is getting stronger.

So glad the world now knows BK and I have something in common. Will have to find that pin now.