10 June 2013


I've often thought that what ails us in the western world is our sense of entitlement. We've pretty much been raised to believe that our future will be better than our past, that our children will be better off than our parents. that our next iPhone will be better than the one we just fell in love with.

There is even a sort of "optimistic entitlement" that extends to the choices we make. Because I chose that car, I am superior. Because I buy this brand, it is the best.  Because I have this job, because I work for these people, they must be worthy of me.

At the age of 45, I've had my wake up call. I've had my eyes opened. Just because something is what I deem the best, doesn't make it so.

It's pretty sad to be this naive. It's even sadder to become this jaded.


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