01 October 2006

Welcome to my world

You know - in this day and age of mobile phones and instant messaging, I like to think that there is someone out there not taken in by 'LOL' and 'hELlo'. Someone who still believes that that the word connoting gratitude is not spelled 'thx', 'thanx' or 'fanx'. Someone who knows that there are only two 'p's in 'cappuccino'.

I like to believe that.

I believe that that person is me.

Welcome to my world. I will split an infinitive but never cave and spell 'tomorrow' - '2morrow' (except right now to prove my point and only then).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear PB,

I can commit to supporting your bitch and viewing often, but cannot pretend to be one with you. I make way too many boo boos.