14 October 2006

I know, I know...YouTube strikes again...

I'm overdoing the whole YouTube thing, I know, but there is so much great stuff on that site. I LOVE it.

Found this today and had to share.

Al Gore is coming to my town soon and I'm getting very excited at the thought of seeing him in person. It makes me wonder what it is about famous people that makes other non-famous people want to, or feel the need to be in their presence. I was trying to analyse my reasoning behind spending a lot of money to eat in the same room (it's a hoity-toity dinner event thing) as the former Vice President of the United States. My husband is going because he adores the man - I will be spending most of the night trying to calm him down and keep him in his chair. I will be working Secret Service detail on my own husband!

But really - and I don't think I'm the only one who has these feelings - what is it about celebrity or fame that is so intoxicating. Is it about making connections? Is it thinking that the celebrity/fame/fortune will somehow rub off - is fame contagious? Whenever I have met famous people - I've met a few - I've been taken aback by that total disconnect - I've looked them in the eye to see no one looking back. The exception was Patrick Stewart, who I accosted outside a Broadway theatre for an autograph. That man stopped, looked me in the eye, sustained eye contact for what seemed a million years and responded to my amazingly in-depth analysis of his turn as Prospero in The Tempest - "You were great" (yes, that's the best I could do - the pressure, people!) by saying warmly, "Thank you." And THAT is why I will remain a loyal Star Trek: Next Generation fan to the day I DIE!

Is that disconnect a survival technique on their part to get them through meeting lots of people who want a piece of whatever it is they have or we think they have? Or maybe I don't even figure on their radar of people they need to impress? Nah - can't be that! After all, I am The Picky Bitch!

Checking the "Spell Check"
YouTube: Yoruba
Hoity: Hoyt, Hort (!)
Toity: (you're gonna love this) - titty, toot, tout, tit and tot (sounds like a children's radio show in the 30's)

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