Our mailbox used to have a 'No Junk Mail' sticker on it that fell off at some point and I've been meaning to get a new one. I must admit that since becoming a mother, the crappy supermarket specials brochures would get me all excited to see who would have nappies on sale that week.
Well - no more. Forget the sticker - I couldn't wait until the stores were open - so I took to my letter box with a permanent marker and wrote: NO JUNK MAIL PLEASE (at least I said 'please') all over it. It looks totally classy and not 'white-trashy' at all!
But this is what gets me about the 'no junk mail' thing. Aren't those flyers already all printed? Does it really have an effect to ask to not have them? Don't the people stuffing them in mailboxes just ditch the ones left over? Is there another way to make my point? Should I be collecting them and sending them back (C.O.D.) to the store headquarters? Has anyone ever approached these chains about starting up a mailing list to be notified of weekly specials by email? I wouldn't mind that. It would make a change from being asked to enlarge my penis on a daily basis. Maybe I will call Supermarket HQ and suggest it? They all came on board about the plastic bag reduction thing - maybe this could be their next step.
The Spell Check prompted 'flyer' as a misspelling suggesting 'flier' so I looked it up on dictionary.com and it accepts both spellings - probably an American thing. It also informed me that a 'flyer' in Australian language (that obscure off-shoot of the Mother Tongue) is an 'exceptionally swift kangaroo' - who knew?
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