08 October 2006

What I'm not that picky about...

I am a movie slut. I love the movies and because of my current circumstances I don't get to go that often, so when I do, I am completely in thrall of that huge screen. I am picky about where I sit - I am a 'sit down the front'-type of person - and also, being judgmental (take note: that is how you're supposed to spell it), can dismiss a potential new friendship based entirely on their suggestion of sitting at the back or on the sides - WHO CHOOSES TO SIT ON THE SIDES??? I have had to sit there on occasion and I won't lie - those whole movie-going experiences were ruined for me. If I have to sit anywhere but where I want to (at the back of the first third of the cinema, in the middle of the row or very close to it) - I am a total brat about it. I've sat by myself down front (yes, I remember it was Moulin Rouge) rather than sit at the back with "friends" - "friends" that are as picky about sitting at the back as I am about sitting in the front. Damn them and their sitting-at-the-back ways!
So it's amazing my friends even want to go to the movies with me, right?
But what I'm not that fussy about is the movie itself. Sure, I pick them carefully, but once I'm in the theatre, I just totally fall in love with what I'm seeing. Usually. I am not that blinded that I wouldn't recognise a completely crappy film but being an optimistic picky bitch, I usually try to find some good in it. Actually that probably has more to do with my arrogance in not wanting to admit to making a bad movie choice.
Another thing I have a tendency to do is fall in love with the lead and start imagining our future together. Tonight I went to see Little Miss Sunshine - which was terrific - and I don't just think that because I was imagining being in simultaneous long-term relationships with both Greg Kinnear and Steve Carell. But it might have had something to do with it. [Where would I be stacking all these men? In the backyard, like cordwood? How would I tell my husband that Greg/Steve and I just "fell in love" and were moving in to have babies with me?? And then would Jon Stewart (who is another fantasy mate - even my husband would like to have him around the house) be jealous? Do I dare hope?]
Can you see why I would be a terrible movie critic? (Apart from the fact that I am demented?) I'd be too busy making up all this domestic bliss crap with the leading men (and dare I admit, even with some leading women - hmm- that got your attention, boys - you are pathetic).
So Little Miss Sunshine was wonderful - go see it. Just remember - they're both mine.

'Spell check' check: Kinnear - came up with 'sinner' (yeah, baby!), 'cannery', knower (as in the Biblical sense?) and 'gunnery'. Who would type 'Kinnear' and mean to type 'cannery' - are those letters even anywhere near each other? I THINK NOT!
Carell offers 'crawly', 'curlew', 'Carl', "Carlo' and 'Carla' (you can't fault the Spell Check for being racist or sexist!) and my favourite: 'cereal'. Which is pretty close when you think about it, 'cause I'd like to be in a situation where I'd be eating cereal with Steve Carell. Snaps to the Spell Check!

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