29 November 2007

WHAT is going on?????

Oh my God!!!

Now I know that my horoscope said that I would be entering into a good and lucky phase but this is freakin' RIDICULOUS!!!

This is what I have gotten for my birthday - and this is only 'so far' as it's NOT EVEN MY BIRTHDAY YET!!!
  • A new Prime Minister - really, Australia - you shouldn't have - but I'm really glad you did.
  • [I won't dwell on also being able to witness the total humiliation of the opposing party as I have already detailed that in a previous post and I wouldn't want to dwell on also being able to witness the total humiliation of the opposing party because I already talked about witnessing the total humiliation of the opposing party already in another post and I don't want to dwell...]
  • Tickets to Keating! The Musical which will be even sweeter because of the thing I didn't want to dwell on earlier...
  • A trip to Melbourne/Hobart to rendezvous with my dearest friend, J. to see one of my favourite singers - Rufus Wainwright.
  • My Mum is making my favourite cake for my birthday - Chocolate Prune Torte - YUM YUM YUM!!!
  • I'm going to have a fun girly party with my best girl buddies.
  • I am also going to have breakfast at my favourite beach-side cafe' with my family and even if it rains, it will even be more perfect as I love the rain and hate the heat.
  • An offer from my dear friend N., to go to the Festival event of my choice.

BUT - this is the ICING ON THE CAKE - the CHERRY ON TOP - the CREME DE LA CREME - and other food-related superlatives:


My cup runneth over, it surely does... I can't breathe - it's all too, too much.

Thank God, and the Universe for showering me with such riches - IN ADDITION to the wonderful family and friends I have - I am truly blessed.

25 November 2007

O Happy Day!

[CVW - you may not want to read this - you have been warned.]

I am a very happy woman today. I am blessed to live in a country that has a working political process. I've had to suck it up for the last twelve years but today I almost feel patriotic - I know - moi? I was watching John Howard concede last night and actually felt sorry for him for about a split-second but soon reminded myself that he was hoisted by his own petard - his megalomania got him in that situation - he really did have every chance to bow out gracefully but refused to. So hoist away!

And I really don't thank him for his 33 years of service, particularly the last twelve. I think he would have been terrific if he'd lived his political life in the 40s and 50s. He was perfectly suited in personality to a nation at war, a nation who clung to the White Australia policy, a nation living in fear. When I think of how he has been complicit in dividing this nation, it still angers me at all the time we've wasted shrinking in meanness instead of thriving with compassion.

Here's a little review of his 'finer' moments:
  • Refusing to say 'sorry'
  • The Children Overboard fiasco
  • Sabotaging the referendum on the Republic
  • Refusing to ratify Kyoto
  • Getting us into Iraq and lying about WMDs
  • Making people believe that the Federal Government controls interest rates
  • WorkChoices
  • Welfare to Work
  • Backing the Gunns Pulp Mill (and yes, I do realise that Labor did also but I think things might change now that The Greens did so well for them - go, Bob Brown!)
  • UPDATE - just remembered this one. The GST. And not just the GST but the GST on books. And not just the GST on books but the GST on educational texts. There is no justification for a tax on education. And the Democrats' karma bit them in the arse too.

Yep - back to not feeling sorry for him at all. Or his toadying sidekick, Smithers. What a pair - and we're rid of both of them - I haven't felt this happy since Karl Rove resigned. The next bit of good news would be that Malcolm Turnbull becomes Leader of the Opposition. We might actually get some bipartisan movement on climate change - and have a good chance of getting the Republic back on the agenda - shaking off the mantle of Mother England, once and for all.

O Happy Day, indeed!

23 November 2007

I'm about to lose control and I think I like it...


I bought my new 2008 Diary and with it a WHOLE NEW LIFE!

It looks as though turning 40 will see me lose all sense of financial reason. Some may think this has already happened - and they'd be right.

I've just booked tickets for two, count 'em, TWO concerts/shows next year. Going to see the 'hilarious smash-hit comedy'* KEATING! in January (the '!' is part of the title and I had nothing to do with it) and RUFUS WAINWRIGHT in February. I LOVE him and his sweet little gay ways. But the BEST thing is that I will be seeing Rufus in a city that is not this one- yes! INTERSTATE TRAVEL!!! Yay!

Also thinking about purchasing tickets for my favourite lesbian who is coming to this city in April but thought I might do some food-shopping first, pay the electricity bill and whatnot. Along with the extortionate school fees I will now be paying, I may need to just say a big "Steady, Thunder..." to my own sweet self.

OH - WHAT THE HELL! Let me get that credit card....

OH! And I may sign up for a phone plan that includes 12 free movie tickets so my plans of being courted by my girlfriends may have to wait for 2009! Well - you know they say 'the greatest love of all...'

*according to someone

20 November 2007

What a difference a letter makes...

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18 November 2007

What I want for my birthday...

I'm having a Girls Only Party to celebrate my 40th Birthday and what I really really want for my birthday is to be courted by my girlfriends. At the party, I will have a 2008 Diary that I want my buddies to start filling in with our 'dates' throughout the year.
I want to be wined and dined and taken to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Taken to the movies, the theatre and museums. I've realised that I don't really need or want any more 'stuff' but what I do want is to enter into the next decade knowing that I will have time with the friends that I've loved, some for almost 40 years, some for only a few.
So that's what I want for my birthday. Your undivided attention. Time with you...and possibly new knickers - the knickers I have are TERRIBLE. I still have knickers from being pregnant - real Nanna/Partial-Eclipse-of-the-Sun-When-They're-Hung-Out knickers.

So time.

And underpants.

That's it.